Step 1: List your skills

  1. Fill in what you’re good at
  2. Rank how you love doing it
    1. ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ = Absolutely love it
    2. ⭐️ ⭐️ = Fine doing it
    3. ⭐️ = Absolutely don’t like doing it
  3. Rank if people would pay you for it
    1. $$$ = Easy to get paid (e.g. SDR as a service)
    2. $$ = possible to get paid, but hard (e.g. Lifestyle influencer)
    3. $ = really hard to get paid (e.g. DJ in Berlin)

Step 2: Turn your skills into an offering

  1. Pick an offering type (you can add more than one if needed)
  2. Write down a simple offering idea for each skill

Step 3: Interview friends, colleagues, and mentors

  1. Build a list of friends, colleagues, and mentors
  2. Set a meeting with each of them
  3. Ask them these questions:
    1. Do you know of anyone who could need help with {skill}?
    2. What are they struggling with precisely?
    3. What have they tried to solve that situation?
    4. Do you think they could benefit from a quick chat with me?
    5. Is there any other question I should have asked?